Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Lucifer's Hands

I wrote this poem when I was in a psych ward in July/August last year. I had reached out for help without extreme measures, and was heard - in a way. They were condescending and kicked me out after four days, but it was something. I was lying in bed there, thinking about my boyfriend. I've been asked how it's possible that he's helped me if I still struggle with the things I do even though I have him. This is what came of it. It might not be a big thing for others, but it is for me. It was originally written in my native language, so I'll include the original below the English translation.

Lucifer’s Hands 
Lucifer’s hands 
lay around my throat 
He tightened his grip, 
and made it impossible to breathe 

He created 
a chaos of thoughts and urges 
That ended with cuts and blood, 
pills, and all that followed 

I tried 
to run, escape, flee 
But he always caught up with me, 
and dragged me back into the abyss 

He trapped me 
in an eternal vicious circle 
The pain was the only way out, 
although it never lasted 

A slave 
of the forces of darkness 
All light was bygone, 
leaving only my biggest fear 

But then, 
you were there 
Reached out a hand, 
offered to listen 

From you, 
I received help when I fell 
You got me back on my feet 
without asking anything of me 

who also had suffered, 
you cared for me, 
without an ounce of selfishness 

And I 
wanted to give the fight another go 
More determined than before, 
for you 

For Lucifer’s hands 
lie around my throat 
But you made him 
loosen his grip

Lucifers hender 
Lucifers hender
lå rundt halsen min
Han strammet grepet
og gjorde det umulig å puste

Han skapte
et kaos av tanker og trang
Med følger som kutt og blod,
piller og alt som hørte med

Jeg prøvde
å løpe, rømme, flykte
Men han tok meg alltid igjen,
og dro meg ned i avgrunnen

Han fanget meg
i en evig ond sirkel
Smerten var eneste vei ut,
selv om det ikke varte

En slave
av mørkets krefter
Alt lyst var svunnet hen,
og etterlot kun min største frykt

Men så
sto du der
Rakte ut en hånd,
tilbød deg å lytte

Av deg
fikk jeg hjelp når jeg falt
Du stablet meg på beina,
uten å be om noe i gjengjeld

som selv hadde lidd
tok meg til deg
uten noe egoisme i tankene

Og jeg
ville gi kampen et nytt forsøk
Mer bestemt enn før,
for din skyld

For Lucifers hender
ligger rundt halsen min
Men du fikk ham til
å løsne grepet 


Picture // Tumblr

"She's just doing it for attention."
"Ignore it, and she'll stop eventually. If you give her attention, she'll just keep doing it."

Things I hear all the time regarding my self harm, suicidal thoughts and actions, and my other mental issues. Things I hear from friends and read online - not about myself, but about others.

Yes, I do want attention. Is that such a bad thing? Why is it that wanting attention has become so negative, such a derogatory term?

I've been ignored and put down my whole life, so much that I even prefer negative attention rather than being invisible. If I had the option between being beaten, and being ignored completely, I'd choose the first. I've provoked people into hitting me.Terrifying, but still better options than being ignored. It was better than being invisible.

Yes, I am partly doing what I'm doing to myself for attention. Not because I want people to pity me or baby me, but because I want someone to really see how much pain I'm in. Because I want someone to acknowledge my issues for what they are. Because I need love and attention and encouragement, just like anyone else.

No, I will not stop if people keep ignoring me. Quite the contrary, I'll scream louder and louder in the only ways I know of - worse behaviour, worse cuts, worse overdoses, worse suicide attempts. It's true that I get encouraged to keep destroying myself from the attention I've gotten after overdoses and suicide attempts, but only because the kind of attention I've been given has reinforced the fact that I need to do these things to be seen. If they had listened to my words, I wouldn't have to take to such extreme action.

I need reassurance. I need to understand that I can be seen and heard - using words alone. I need someone to hear what I say before I do something really bad. I need someone to see and hear what my thoughts can make me do - before I do it. I need people to care. I need people to encourage my recovery and utter concern for the reasons behind what I've done if I first do something drastic.

Wanting attention is not a bad thing. It's human nature. Babies scream and cry to get it if they're ignored.

"S/he just cuts for attention."
"His/her problems aren't real."

In my opinion, people who say things like that, their voices condescending and filled with venom, are ignorant. Who can decide what problems are real or not? Do they not understand how much pain someone has to be in to drag a blade across their own skin? Even if it's "just for attention", if someone is so desperate to be seen and for someone to care that they permanently scar their own bodies, isn't that a sign that something is wrong?

I do not cut only for attention (I could list almost a dozen reasons, and I will in a later entry), but it's one of them. For people to see my pain. Until I learn that it's okay to not do it, that people still see me and my problems, it will probably remain one of the reasons.